IPWorks Encrypt Library enables you to encrypt and decrypt files, emails, documents, and messages through major cryptographic standards, including S/MIME, OpenPGP, TripleDES, TwoFish, RSA, AES, etc. Complete with X.509 and OpenPGP certificate management.
With these cryptographic components, you can achieve high-security features over your Delphi and C++ Builder applications. IPWorks Encryption Library can secure message hashing, message signing, and signature verification, as well as digital certificate generation and management.
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procedure TFormJws.btnVerifyClick(Sender: TObject); begin ipcJWS1.Reset(); if (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'HS256') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'HS384') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'HS512') = 0) then begin ipcJWS1.Config('KeyEncoding=1'); ipcJWS1.Key:=txtKey.Text; end else if (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'RS256') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'RS384') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'RS512') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'PS256') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'PS384') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'PS512') = 0) then begin ipcJWS1.CertStoreType:=cstPEMKeyFile; ipcJWS1.CertStore:=txtPublicFile.Text; ipcJWS1.CertSubject:='*'; end else if (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'ES256') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'ES384') = 0) or (CompareStr(cboAlgorithm.Text,'ES512') = 0) then begin ipcJWS1.CertStoreType:=cstPublicKeyFile; ipcJWS1.CertStore:=txtPublicFile.Text; ipcJWS1.CertSubject:='*'; end; ipcJWS1.InputMessage:=txtSigned.Text; ipcJWS1.Verify(); txtMessage.Text:=ipcJWS1.OutputMessage; txtSigned.Text:=''; end; |
IPWorks Encryption Library features
- Strong encryption through AES, BlowFish, CAST, ChaCha20, DES, DPAPI, DSA, ECC, Elgamal, IDEA, JWS, OpenPGP, Poly1305, RC2, RC4, RSA, SMIME, TEA, TripleDES, and TwoFish.
- Support for SHA1, SHA2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512), ChaCha, JWE, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD160, MD5SHA1, and HMAC (MD5, SHA1, SHA2) signature hash algorithms.
- Encrypt/decrypt, sign, and verify message signatures using S/MIME or OpenPGP, and digital certificates.
- Support for JSON Web Signatures (JWS) and JSON Web Encryption (JWE) for signing/verifying and encrypting/decrypting data in respective standard formats.
- and more
Head over and check out the IPWorks Encryption Library on the GetIt portal and download it from the IDE
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