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Use Real PNG Files In Your Delphi C++ Builder Applications

utilize real png files in your delphi c builder applications

In VCL, of course, you can use Real PNG files with the TPngImage class. With TPngImage class, you can load and manipulate PNG graphics. But there is another option to use PNG image files with PNGComponents.

PNGComponents is a set of components that allows you to easily include PNG files in your application. This is a source-only release of TurboPack PNGComponents. It includes design-time and runtime packages for Delphi and C++Builder additionally, the library supports Win32 and Win64.

Why should I use PngComponents?

The library says it best: “The PngComponents library offers a major leap forward in creating nice GUI’s in designtime. Not only does it speed up the implementation of alphablended icons in your application, it eases the way you can use them throughout your software. No longer do you need to put them in a resource file manually and then manually drawing them on a temporary bitmap and assigning that to somewhere. Adding beautiful alphablended icons to your interface is but a few clicks away.

How can I get the PngComponents?

You can download and install these PNG Components from GetIt Package Manager with one click.

Real PNG Files

You will get 5 different PNG components:

  • TPngSpeedButton
  • TPngBitBtn
  • TPngImageList
  • TPngImageCollection
  • TPngCheckListBox

Each component has several properties to handle PNG files easily.

embarcadero delphi c builder png components demo 2300359

Be sure to head over and check out the PNG Components in the GetIt portal and download it from the IDE.

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Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified

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