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Mitov Software – Delphi Arduino control and communication

Embarcadero Technology Partner Spotlight

Mitov Software – Delphi Arduino control and communication
Boian Mitov – Mitov Software
Thursday, June 25, 2015

YouTube video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZhWi_lA-_c

Mitov Software is specialized in development of high performance software and Data Flow solutions for Delphi and C++Builder, VCL and FireMonkey including:

  • Video Processing
  • Audio Processing
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Real Time Data Acquisition
  • Communications
  • Process Control
  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Visualization 
  • Visual Instrumentation
  • Parallel and Grid Computing
  • Hardware Control


Visuino is the latest innovative software from Mitov Software. A visual programming environment allowing you to program your Arduino boards. Although it currently supports the official Arduino boards, it is not restricted to their support alone and requests to support new hardware are welcome. The components found in the Visuino software represent their hardware components and you will easily be able to create and design your programs using drag and drop. No equipment or hardware is needed to run the software in design mode. Once you have completed the design, you can connect Arduino board upload and run it. For those people who are not strong on writing code then designing, compiling and creating Arduino programs has never been easier! Why waste time on creating code when we have done all the hard work for you already? You have your Arduino board, and great hardware design, see it running in minutes, not hours! Currently we are running a Beta program which you can be part of by joining our Google group. Join the group now to download and test the software or send an email to [email protected].

Additional product information:

You can find all of the Technology Partner Spotlight replays listed on the YouTube playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwUPJvR9mZHgaYTPmY_FhOvJfbl7ZzVku



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