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2019 IoT Competition – Using Delphi, C++Builder, & Visuino #IoT2019Competition

The #IoT2019Competition focuses on building a connected project using Delphi or C++Builder and Visuino.

Entries must publish the code online (GitHub, BitBucket, Assembla, etc.) along with a short video (YouTube, Vimeo, Lbry, etc.) showing it in action. The project must include a microcontroller board like Arduino, Esp32, M5Stack, Teensy, or even Raspberry Pi, that connects via your chosen method (WiFi, serial, Bluetooth, Ethernet, etc.) to a desktop/laptop or mobile device. Use Visuino to program the microcontroller and Delphi or C++Builder to create the program on the desktop/laptop/mobile.

2019 IoT Competition Details

You can use free licenses for Visuino, Delphi, and C++Builder, but you will need to come up with hardware to run it all on. We are working with M5Stack on this contest, and they make some great ESP32 based hardware for a good price which you can buy directly from them, or on AliExpress. You can also find them on Amazon for slightly more, as they are sold through a 3rd party.

A couple useful starter microcontrollers with screen, buttons, battery, etc. integrated.

  • ESP32 Basic Core IoT Development Kit ~$27 [M5Stack] [AliExpress] [Amazon]
    • Good basic starter kit with WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. 
  • M5StickC ESP32-PICO Mini IoT Development Kit ~$9 [M5Stack] [AliExpress] [Amazon]
    • Smaller and cheaper alternative.

Entry Requirements

  • Use Visuino to program a microcontroller or single board computer
  • Use Delphi or C++Builder to create a program for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, or Android
  • The microcontroller or single board computer needs to connect to the laptop, desktop, or mobile device running Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, or Android.
  • Must be a new project created for this contest
  • Video of entry on YouTube, Vimeo, Lbry, etc.
    • Requirements: 
    • Doesn’t need to have talking
      • You can show text, slides, subtitles, text-to-speech, etc. instead
    • There are free video editing and screen captures programs. You can use these  or whatever you prefer. (I’ve only used some of these, and this isn’t a recommendation. YMMV)
    • If necessary (or you prefer) you can upload multiple videos and put them on a playlist (with links to the playlist and other videos in the description)
      • For example record the required parts as individual videos
      • All the videos and the play list must include the links and hashtag
  • Code Published on GitHub, BitBucket, Assembla, etc. 

A Google form will be set up to collect entries. Participants are encouraged to promote their entries on social media.

How are winners chosen? 

  • At the end of the contest, the entries will be ranked by the combined Video views, up votes, & Source repository stars and watches. This represents the community popularity. The top by community popularity will receive runner up prizes.
  • Committee made up of coordinators and their representatives will choose the grand prize winner(s).

The number of prizes depends on the number of entries. Check back to this page for more details.

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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.

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