Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio integrate with Python through VCL and FMX libraries to enable Python users to build GUIs for Windows and cross-platform applications. The IDEs also integrate with AWS and Azure for cloud services.
Here are our best webinars on integrations:
1. Introduction to Python GUI Development with Delphi for Python – Part 1: Delphi VCL for Python
Learn how Embarcadero’s newly released free Python modules bring the power and flexibility of Delphi’s GUI frameworks to Python. VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) are mature GUI libraries. VCL is focused on native Windows development, while FireMonkey brings a powerful flexible GUI framework to Windows, Linux, macOS, and even Android. This webinar will introduce you to these new free Python modules and how you can use them to build graphical user interfaces with Python. Part 2 will show you how to target Android GUI applications with Python!
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2. Introducing Appercept’s AWS SDK for Delphi
Appercept’s AWS SDK for Delphi is a direct mapping for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK. This webinar introduces a preview, covering the first services to be included in the API and includes an introduction to the cloud, PaaS, IaaS, cloud services, and use cases for creating a serverless application.
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3. Python for C++ Developers with David I. & Kiriakos Vlahos – Webinar Replay
This was inspired by our previous webinars on the topic. and is the result of his collaboration with Kiriakos (AKA PyScripter), the maintainer of Python4Delphi, who also made some changes in the library to work better with C++Builder. By popular request, David and Kiriakos have also agreed to run a Python for C++ developers webinar where you can learn to leverage Python from your favorite C++ developer tools.
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4. Getting Started with Azure Cloud Development with Delphi
Join Stephen Ball and Glenn Dufke (MVP) as they discuss the Azure Cloud, explore how to use Azure Functions with Delphi, and look at tips for securely configuring your connection to a hosted Azure instance.
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5. Python on Android with DelphiFMX – The Cross-Platform GUI Framework (Part 2)
Embarcadero’s free DelphiFMX module for Python supports building Python applications for Android using the FireMonkey GUI library. This webinar gives your everything you need to take your Python applications mobile on Android.
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6. Getting to Know PyScripter – Webinar Replay
PyScripter is the Feature-Rich and Lightweight Python IDE native to Windows and powered by Delphi. Get to know PyScripter in this webinar hosted by Kyle Wheeler, Kiriakos Vlahos, and Jim McKeeth.
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7. The Local Cloud – Data Management with InterBase and AWS
Cloud is great, but sometimes you want local data too. This session takes a look at how to synchronize your data between Amazon’s cloud based data hosting (AWS) and InterBase local storage. Learn the advantages of such a system and when you might want such an architecture.
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8. Combining the strengths of Delphi and Python – Python4Delphi replay part 2
Links and more https://embt.co/p4d-part2
Full series https://embt.co/3hSAKrg
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9. Python4Delphi Brief Overview for Delphi and Python Developers
The Python4Delphi library provides a bidirectional bridge between Delphi and Python. It allows Delphi applications to access Python modules and run Python scripts. It makes Delphi objects, records, interfaces, and classes accessible to Python, giving Python the ability to use Delphi code and libraries as Python modules.
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10. Python Native Windows GUI with Delphi VCL
Sometimes your application needs a user interface, but what is the best way to make one for Python applications? Enter DelphiVCL for Python. The VCL is a mature Windows native GUI framework with a huge library of included visual components and a robust collection of 3rd party components. It is the premier framework for native Windows applications, but how to use it with Python? Thanks to the DelphiVCL Python package, the VCL is a first-class package for building native Windows GUIs with Python. Need more design tools? You can build the entire GUI in Delphi and then write all the logic in Python. DelphiVCL is the fastest, most mature, and complete GUI library for native Windows Python GUI development.
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