
How To Create Enterprise iOS Apps, No App Store Required

Today (December 21st 2022) you can join us as we continue Embarcadero’s two-day Enterprise CodeRage event which focusses, as you might expect, on enterprise development topics using your favorite IDE software. I am presenting two sessions – this blog post describes the second session: Enterprise iOS apps, no app store required. The first session aired yesterday (December 20th 2022) and…
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How To Save Money On A Native iOS App Builder

According to a Statista survey released in February 2022, the number of smartphone users worldwide is around 6.6 billion and is expected to grow to more than 7 billion by 2027 [1]. Having multiple platform availability of your application is crucial to tapping a wider market…
DelphiIDERAD StudioWindows

How Can You Develop Apple Apps On Windows

So, what do you need for Apple app development on Windows? What if you could use a single IDE instead of combining different IDE software or tools from different vendors that will take more space and resources from your workstation, potentially all working in different ways which will add massively to your learning curve? What you need is a cross-platform development like Delphi which can create…
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