October 17, 2024
RAD Studio 12.2 Patch #1 provides quality improvements to the 12.2 release, focused on RAD Studio IDE, FireMonkey, the bcc64x Win64 Modern toolchain, RAD Server, and the 64-bit versions of the Delphi compiler.
The patch also fixes a package binary compatibility issue that prevents using packages built in RAD Studio 12.2 in RAD Studio 12.1 and 12.0, mostly affecting third-party component vendors. While only a few source files needed changes to address this binary compatibility issue, it affects almost all DCU file signatures and runtime packages for all of our target platforms. Delivering this as a hotfix would have resulted in a large download (~ 1GB) and many files to install. Using the product installer, which is intended for this purpose, offers a much better alternative than using our simple patch tool.
For this reason, we are delivering this patch as a new inline installer, delivering a brand new internal build of the product, with build number 29.0.53982.0329 (the original 12.2 release was build number 29.0.53571.9782), as you can see below.
While we understand reinstalling version 12.2 can be seen as a considerable effort, taking this step will help ensure a smoother experience by avoiding the potential instability that can arise from an incomplete hotfix installation.
While you do need to run the new installer, all settings in your existing installation of RAD Studio 12.2 will remain, including installed components and IDE configuration, if you follow the default installation steps. You’d have to reinstall GetIt packages, though.
In addition, any customer installing the trial version or the product from now on will directly install the new build, with no need to install a patch on top of it.
Table of Contents
Installation via GetIt
You can download the inline versions of the online installer via GetIt (Tools > GetIt Package Manager). The GetIt package will download the installation file and open the readme and the download folder, but it won’t start the installation automatically.
When you run the installer for 12.2 Patch 1, the system will first perform an uninstall of the current 12.x version you have on your system. The actual installation process is similar to the update from minor versions, like from 12.1 to 12.2. For RAD Studio installation information, see https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Installation.
Warning: We recommend that customers who used the ISO to install 12.2 use the same process for the inline release, using the steps below.
Manual Download and Installation
This inline version is also available in the download portal at my.embarcadero.com, both with the online web installer and the offline ISO installer. The actual installation process is similar to the update from minor versions, like from 12.1 to 12.2. For RAD Studio installation information, see https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Installation.
Publicly Reported Issues Addressed by this Patch
This patch addresses the following public reports on Quality Portal:
- RSS-698 Try catch finally bug under win64x
- RSS-728 VCL Exceptions can cause a crash for C++ Win64x applications
- RSS-1750 Can’t use the Bitmap Style Designer released with 12.2 Athens (reported also as RSS-1785, RSS-1974, RSS-2033, and RSS-2035)
- RSS-1781 The IDE code editor scrollbar is broken (see also RSS-1781 and RSS-2115)
- RSS-1944 Applications compiled with 12.2 don’t work with 12.1 BPLs (also reported as RSS-1838 and RSS-1948)
- RSS-1840 TTextServiceAndroid Exception when moving caret to new line (also reported as RSS-2029)
- RSS-1945 ExtractFileDrive no longer returns the host as a drive
- RSS-1982 Missing RTTI for interfaces in C++
- RSS-2019 Focus Mode + F9 functionality issues
Additional Improvements
The patch also includes the following notable improvements:
- Improvements in the performance of the 64-bit version of DCC32, when working with generics
- IDE quality fixes, including resolving an AV when closing project with 2 edit windows, a performance problem with scrollbar annotations and a related one with folded code, sizing and drawing issues for the focus mode feature and navigational toolbar font colors
- C++ toolchain quality, including fixes for issues using –jobs with related file names, fixes for a couple of ld linker “stream” errors, fixes pertaining to RTTI, batch compilation, resource translation and a couple of compiler issues
- Quality improvements for some issues pertaining to FireMonkey OleControls and native controls
- A RAD Server fix (EBindingScopeFactoryError) when using REST or HTTP client components in a RAD Server module
- A fix addressing a conflict when installing IPWorks
Feature enhancement: This patch expands the new –jobs implementation introduced in version 12.2 to be able to be invoked directly via the compiler driver (bcc64x) on the command line, instead of only via command line MSBuild / IDE compilation.
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It’s great to have a patch, but it’s a bit unfortunate that we have to uninstall the previous version to reinstall it with the patch. I feel quite uncomfortable with this. In the end, it’s almost the same as doing a 12.3 release. 🙁
Understood. We did try to get it out as a patch, but it was going to be so huge with so many files to be copied/updated that the chance for something to go wrong and leave the system partially patched and unusable was too much. In the end it made the most sense to make it an inline release to guarantee the best chance of success despite it being not quite as convenient.
Hi Ian,
I’m such an Embarcadero nut, I really don’t mind the reinstall, but keeping your registry entries really messes up the IDE. I did have to do it twice, allowing the registry to be wiped the 2nd time. And there are other issues I made comments on below.
Thank you Delphi
Unfortunately this update breaks the compatiblity of many 3rd Party AddOns and component packages!
That is incorrect – this update in fact explicitly resolves that issue.
We’ve been working with our Tech Partners and they received this update ahead of time. This update reintroduces the backward compatibility of 12.2 with 12.0 and 12.1 packages which had temporarily been a problem with the earlier version of 12.2 and even then, only under some circumstances. We notified our Tech Partners as soon as we were aware of the problem and let them know what the problem was, how to avoid it while we worked to resolve it, and then notified them of the update.
For most Tech Partners they held off on updating their packages to 12.2 while we fixed the issue so the overwhelming majority of packages are fine. There was never a problem with using 12.0 and 12.1 packages in 12.2, only the other way around, using 12.2 packages in 12.0 and 12.1. This update fixes all of that so it works as expected again and people can create 12.2 packages which will work fine with any version of 12.x (which is always the case – dot versions x.1, x.2, x.3 etc – are compatible, major versions 11.x, 12.x etc – are not).
Thank you a lot for this patch. Can’t wait to try it out! 👍🏼😊
Most important from my POV is fixing the debugging performance issues. Single stepping can still take 20++ seconds per step in the modern c++ clang tool chain. Hope this is better with the latest patch. If it isn’t: please fix this once and for all. I think new features (zen, ai) should be at the very end of the priority list as the benefit is rather small compared to slow performance, which is key for productivity.
I miss TwineCompile in GetIt
Yes, where is it? I did the update recently and it totally messed up my installation. Visual Assist disappeared. When I did the install I kept my registry entries, and that is what did it, because I did a second install, or reinstall, erasing my registry entries and Visual Assist came back, but no Twine??
Ian, any info on this?
TwineCompile is now available.
Yes it is…thank you for posting Toine.
I had to remove the parnassus experts and the IBDAC (devart) Migration Wizard before the install would start. After install most TMS components and other design time bpl’s were also invalid (entry point error). I installed the Konopka components. But the demo that goes with doesn’t compile. Waiting for a new patch.
For components which you compiled yourself with 12.2.1 you would need to uninstall/recompile them with 12.2.2. TMS are one such component library which works this way. If you use their command line tms.exe tool it will do the job of refreshing for you.
I am not aware of any issues with the Konopka demos – that sounds like something else is going on. Feel free to email me at ian.barker@embarcadero.com with details of the error message and I’ll see what I can do to resolve it for you.
How do you determine afterwards whether iso or web install was used?
Did you go to my.embarcadero.com and download the .iso? Or did you dl’d the Web Installer?
I had the iso and web installers from the previous version on my hard drive and I couldn’t remember which one I had used. So the question is: How can I find out afterwards whether the ISO or web installer was used? Is there a registry entry?
Oliver, please read through the installation notes below for the offline installation. It has hints that may lead you in the right direction, for example did you do the steps in that article? Personally I don’t know of a way to tell which one you may have been used. Good luck.
The installer fails with this message:
Problem loading data
Error loading data from the server
Internal Server Error
Same for me.
How do I know if the previous install was from ISO or web- install? I have to do so much fiddling after the install to fix the installation that I forget from where I installed the product. Also, please don’t call this inline install; it’s a full blown install, especially because the previous install is removed.
The “inline” install means “this install includes anything that would have been in a patch” rather than a “patch install” which would include only the updated files. When we prepared the patch, we realized is was going to be over 1gb of data which many hundreds of files – and the potential for something to go wrong was too great. For example, if the install was interrupted halfway by an internet glitch or similar the system could be left partially patched and therefore potentially unusable. In the end it was safer to issue a full build with the patched files in it.
Re: ISO or Web, if you’re not sure, use the web install.
Installs fine from ISO but no GetIt after install (and GetItCmd.exe -c=useonline)
Wonder if FMXLinux is back yet?
I tried to install “RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1” manually from “RADStudio_12_2_i_esd_0329_4F2B.exe”.
It started with uninstalling version 12.2, I kept the license key, but I get the following messages:
“Problem loading data
Error on loading data from the server
getit 2new.embarcadero.com:
Internal Server Error”
and the errors are:
63 2024-10-21 14:37:26 – Error on loading data from the server getit12new.embarcadero.com: Internal Server Error
63 2024-10-21 14:37:26 – Error when loading “Platforms”: [500] Error on loading data from the server getit12new.embarcadero.com: Internal Server Error
63 2024-10-21 14:36:26 – Error on loading data from the server getit12new.embarcadero.com: Internal Server Error
63 2024-10-21 14:36:26 – Error when loading “Platforms”: [500] Error on loading data from the server getit12new.embarcadero.com: Internal Server Error.
This is where it all ends.
Has anyone had the same experience and overcome it?
thank you
This was caused by a temporary certificate issue which was quickly resolved.
Same here – the installer fails with this error message:
[2024-10-21 14:01:19] [ERROR] Error when loading “Platforms”: [500] Error on loading data from the server getit12new.embarcadero.com: Internal Server Error
This was caused by a temporary issue with a server certificate. This has now been resolved.
I miss Visual Assist
Try installing it again, but removing your previous registry entries, it worked for me!
The GetIt server is up and running again, and I installed the new version using the web installer.
I had 12.2 already installed. I did the update from GetIt and the version (in About) remained the same. I didn’t need to reinstall any 3rd party components either. Why didn’t the update “update” the version? Also, logged in to my account via https://my.embarcadero.com/ and the patch isn’t showing up (even though my account is good until 2025).
See the above comments from me – this is an inline patch so there’s no patch file, just the full install with all the patches/fixes included.
Delphi Community edition is version 12.1.
So not this update…
I don’t see the patch in GetIt – either online at https://getitnow.embarcadero.com or via the IDE.
I have been looking for the patch since it was announced in Facebook.
I also don’t see it in https://my.embarcadero.com (unless it is included in the two installers for RAD Studio 12.2, but I’m expecting to see something saying that they have the patch if that is the case).
I have RAD Studio Enterprise Named User.
It’s an inline patch so it is included in the installers you can see in https://my.embarcadero.com – there is no separate ‘patch’ file as such. If you did see the patch in GetIt all it would do is run the latest full install of 12.2 which includes the patch in it already.
Does anyone know if there are any changes made to the FMX Filters in this Update? The SwipeTransitionEffect does not work correctly in the Right to Left direction, it seems MousePoint cannot go negative.