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RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Patch 1 Available

rad11 patch1 title 2

Today Embarcadero released a patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 11 Alexandria. The patch addresses a few relevant issues in the most recent release and is available to active update subscription customers in the GetIt Package Manager (with a matching alert showing up in the new IDE Welcome Page) or on the my.embarcadero.com download site. Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 11 customers. The patch readme with the list of publicly reported issues addressed is below in this blog post (and in the patch readme file), which also explains the installation process.

GetIt-Based Installation

As you start the IDE (or at the next Welcome Page refresh), you’ll see the “Patch Available” icon, which is in a different location in the RAD 11 Welcome Page, as you can see below:

rad11 patch1 announce

By selecting the icon, or opening the GetIt Package Manager and navigating to the “Patches and Hotfixes” section, you’ll see the following item:

rad11 patch1 listing

The patch is delivered as a deferred installation package, which means it is installed after you shut down the IDE (you’ll get prompted to restart, but you can wait until later). Remember you’ll need to accept the UAC Windows prompt immediately after the start of the installation process (which appears as stuck while the UAC prompt get displayed in separate window). Notice also that the  patch is about 700MB to download, so the download step taking place from the console window below (opened as the IDE shuts down) is expected to take some time:

rad11 patch1 installing

Once the download is completed, the patch tool will install the new files, backing up the old ones, opening a secondary console window:

rad11 patch1 installing2

It is expected that some files are not found if your installation wasn’t complete (for example, in case of missing translation files or if you don’t have C++ Builder installed, as in the image above).

Once the patch installation process is completed, the RAD Studio IDE restarts automatically. Notice, though, that the macOS version of PAServer updated by this patch needs to be manually installed on your macOS device.

Manual Installation

You can also find the patch in the my.embarcadero.com portal. In this case you have to download the patch ZIP file and install it manually, following similar steps of the automated install. You need to manually close the RAD Studio IDE before you install the patch (you’ll see an error if the IDE is running).

RAD Studio 11 Patch 1 Readme

This patch addresses a few relevant issues of RAD Studio 11, pertaining to the VCL library, the RAD Studio IDE, Apple iOS Store support, and additional areas listed below. Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 11 customers. This patch is about 700MB to download.

Installation via GetIt

If you download the patch via GetIt, it is installed automatically, creating a backup of the files replaced. However, the new version of PAServer for macOS is only copied into the PAserver folder (by default, a folder like C:Program Files (x86)EmbarcaderoStudio22.0PAServer), and you need to copy it over to a Mac and install it manually there.

Manual Download and Installation

This patch is also available in the download portal at my.embarcadero.com. In this case, you’ll find the main RAD Studio 11 Patch 1 download file, which you have to expand into the respective subfolders of the RAD Studio installation folder, and a separate download for the updated PAServer for macOS that you’ll have to copy and install on your Mac.

Uninstallation steps (for GetIt installation)

* Open the Catalog Repository installation folder
* Run patch.R110.hotfix.1.bat
* Only *after* you have cleared the patch, uninstall the package from GetIt

Notice also that the patch installation will create a backup folder and installation log under the main product folder, with the installation timestamp, like:
C:Program Files (x86)EmbarcaderoStudio22.0_patch-backup2021-10-25 10.20.15

Quality Portal issues addresses by this patch

RSP-35800 Windows 11 Menu text with ImageList not readable
RSP-35785 Emoji colors are wrong on iOS
RSP-35778 Scaled forms do not always have commensurate sizes in 11.0
RSP-35716 FontSize and position of labels and components keep increasing in Delphi
RSP-35701 iOS Development for AppStore not possible with XCode 13.0
RSP-35651 #$21..#$5F characters cannot be selected correctly when they are at the end.
RSP-35650 Error when using IME to enter text when selecting
RSP-35518 Fonts in Nested Controls are not Down Scaled in Dpi Unaware Applications
RSP-35473 VCL Styles IDE Bug with selecting controls
RSP-35459 A change in TThread breaks Windows XP compatibility
RSP-35312 Programs built with dpi>96 run corrupted in 96dpi
RSP-35049 DoThemedDrawText: Parameter “Selected” is ignored, leading to wrong text color in menus on Windows 11
RSP-34960 Font height change in DFM if Scaled = False
RSP-34913 VirtualImageList images grow when HighDPI=Auto (Monitor Scale = 200)
RSP-34822 Dynamically created frames are scaled wrong when IDE is in High DPI mode

We have also addressed an Access Violation caused by the Welcome Page, some issues related to opening old forms with non-visual components in a High-DPI IDE configuration, the same issue with emoji colors in RSP-35785 also for Android

See What's New in 12.2 Athens See What's New in 12.3 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Marco is one of the RAD Studio Product Managers, focused on Delphi. He's the best selling author of over 20 books on Delphi.


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