We are very excited to announce the Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney Release 1, also known as RAD Studio 10.4.1.
This new release builds on the feature set of 10.4, enhancing existing features throughout the product and offering a more robust and smooth experience to Delphi and C++ Builder developers. RAD Studio 10.4.1 has a strong focus on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:
- Delphi Code Insight (LSP)
- Parallel Library
- C++ Toolchain
- FireMonkey
- Delphi Compiler
- iOS Deployment
RAD Studio 10.4.1 includes all fixes from 10.4 Patch 1, Patch 2, and Patch 3.
Delphi 10.4.1, C++Builder 10.4.1 and RAD Studio 10.4.1 are available to download to any active Update Subscription customer. In 10.4.1 there are over 800 quality improvements, including 500+ quality improvements for issues publicly reported on the Quality Portal site.
Customers on Update Subscription can download and install RAD Studio 10.4.1 today from https://my.embarcadero.com using their existing license.
For more information see:
- RAD Studio 10.4.1 What’s New DocWiki Page:
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/10.4_Sydney_-_Release_1 - List of customer reported issues fixed:
Design. Code. Compile. Deploy.
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Free Delphi Community Edition Free C++Builder Community Edition
What about Community Editition?
“The floating form designer has been removed.”
Fire the person who propose that and the one who approve it.
The floating designer has had significant bugs and problems for many years, and they got worse with IDE styling. keeping support for it was too time consuming. You can use multiple floating edit Windows to partially compensate the lack of that feature.
Removing functionality instead of fixing bugs in it?
Yeah right.
And i’m sure these “multiple floating edit Windows” can not be as easy to operate as just pressing F11 in current editor.
Once the floating form designer has been removed, there is no more subscription money from me. This was the last straw in breaking the IDE with stupid redesigns and restyles instead of fixing real bugs.
Same here.
So 4 years and STILL no improvement in C++ Code Completion !
I just can’t believe I’ve paid for this yet again.
Except C++ got asynchronous code completion using LSP and other improvements with 10.3 which was less than 2 years ago (fall 2018) while Delphi only got it this year.
The 10.3.3 Community Edition versions of Delphi and C++Builder remain available to all non-professional or startup users of RAD Studio. We still plan releasing a CE for 10.4 in the future.
When? I can understand a delay of a few months, but Community Edition is starting to look abandoned…
LSP still unusable (((
Hello, should all projects be recompiled or can projects compiled with 10.4 perfectly work together with 10.4.1 ?
“The floating form designer has been removed.”
And now you can’t have multiple views into a unit with a form when using “New Edit Window” (the unit moves rather than clones). Bug report RSP-30987 has just been marked “Works as expected”. It’s certainly not what I expected.
Has the release been pulled? Or is there is a problem with the download service?
For the last two weeks I checked my.embarcadero.com and the download link does not work.
There is an issue with some browsers indicating an HTTPS problem due to a domain alias name used. Other than that, the download is there and works.
Why is it so:
if I drop HTTPRIO on form requests are made almost instantly.
if HTTPRIO is created dynamically requests take minimum 4 seconds
Bottleneck seems to be in unit System.Net.HttpClient.Win -> function TWinHTTPClient.DoExecuteRequest()
-> // Send Request
if not WinHttpSendRequest …
Note: client certificates are involved, in both cases.
Thanks in advance.