Embarcadero has just released a patch for RAD Studio, C++Builder and Delphi 10.3.2. The patch is available at:
Here are the readme notes:
Summary: This patch addresses a compatibility issue with mixing runtime packages built with 10.3.2 with earlier releases of Delphi or C++Builder 10.3. The platforms impacted are Win32, Win64, macOS32, and Linux64.
After applying the patch, older applications will keep running when you deploy a new application with new runtime packages. This means that the updated 10.3.2 packages are backward compatible.
Note: A new application built in 10.3.2 will not run if executed against a 10.3.x version of the runtime packages, showing surfacing an error like ‘Entry Point not Found “@System@Classes@TFieldsCache@$bcctr$qqrv”’.
The installation requires copying the content of the ZIP file to the installation folder. The complete files list is in the readme file included in the download.
Notice that this patch is critical for third-party component vendors who plan rebuilding their components with 10.3.2.
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