A patch for debugging local variables with the classic and Clang compilers
We’ve just released a patch (what used to be called a hotfix) for an issue affecting C++Builder 10.3.2.
- Debugging variables in apps built with the Classic bcc32 compiler could not be evaluated or watched (RSP-25943)
A previous hotfix, ‘RAD Studio 10.3.2 C++ and Delphi Toolchain Patch‘ (August 14 2019), resolved a similar issue for the Win32 Clang-enhanced compiler, (RSP-25527.)
This hotfix resolves both issues such that variable evaluation is correct for both Win32 compilers. If you install both, the order of installation is important. Always apply patches in the order they are released. For this issue, apply the older patch (RAD Studio 10.3.2 C++ and Delphi Toolchain Patch) first, and the this one second.
The patch is available at https://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30890
Full installation instructions are contained in the readme.
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