I have just returned from my RAD Studio XE3 World Tour stops in Europe. It was great to see so many young and old developers in London, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Heidelberg. In two cities I was asked whether there were any Object Relational Mapping solutions for Delphi. There are two Delphi ORM(s) that I know about:
- TMS Software’s TMS Aurelius – commercial ORM. White paper can be found at http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/manuals/Object-Relational%20Mapping%20with%20TMS%20Aurelius.pdf
- Delphi ORM – open source ORM on Google Code. Introduction to DORM can be found at http://delphi-orm.googlecode.com/files/dorm_introduction.pdf
I have not tried either one of them yet but i hope to take a look when I get off the road. Check them out!
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