Author: Pawe Gowacki
It is very exciting time for Delphi and C++Builder developers! Embarcadero just announced partnership with CData to provide the whole suite of new FireDAC drivers that provide connectivity to major APIs and web services.
The list of new FireDAC drivers is quite long and includes connectors to over 80 systems, like Amazon DynamoDB, SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics, Google Big Query and many more. The coolest fact is that the connectivity is provided through FireDAC, which is the best data access framework in Delphi and C++Builder. Just two days ago Cary Jensen presented FireDAC webinar based on his new FireDAC book.
Sarina has blogged about the start of the beta program for those that are on subscription and want to give the new CData FireDAC drivers a try! Personally I’m probably the most intrigued by a possibility to integrate with Amazon DynamoDB🙂
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