This replay session by Robert Love from CodeRage X will cover how to establish secure communication channels using with EMS, DataSnap, Rest, Web services, and raw Indy Sockets. It covers using SSL & TLS, OpenSSL, SSL with Indy, SSL with IIS, and how to configure ISAPI with SSL. It also covers older versions and which versions are vulnerable to POODLE. There is a demonstration of creating a self signed certificate in OpenSSL.
The next CodeRage is right around the corner and you can signup now to access all of the latest sessions in CodeRage XI. The theme this year is Productivity, Platforms and Performance. It runs from November 15-17, 2016. Be sure to check out all of the upcoming sessions and select which ones you might be interested in attending. After each session there is a live question and answer with the presenter of the session. Don’t miss it!
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