I’m pleased to announce that Embarcadero has been granted a patent for “Tracking change data in a database” that matches the architectural and implementation work done to implement Change Views in InterBase. The patent request was originally filed in 2014, in advance of the feature’s general availability in 2015.
More information about the patent is available on Google’s Patents site at https://patents.google.com/patent/US10430403B2/
The Change Views feature was initially released in InterBase XE7 and continues to be a differentiating factor, and a feature that offers tremendous power in today’s distributed world, given remote clients like phones can easily access updated data (rather than refreshing an entire table) with greatly reduced bandwidth. This is done without writing significant custom application code or additional triggers and database instrumentation. You get the support for changes out of the box as part of the core database features offering easier and smoother operations and great performance. This is a unique implementation and offers InterBase a great advantage in many application scenarios focused on low-bandwidth remote data access.
For more information about Change Views, please refer to this blog post by Stephen Ball, introducing the technology. For general information about InterBase refer to the product page. Notice that a new version, InterBase 2020, is currently in beta and will soon be released by Embarcadero.
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