Embarcadero has just released version 10.0.2 of the InterBase ADO.NET driver and its related Entity Framework support.
This release updates the primary driver and the EFCore support up to the 10.x version of the equivalent Firebird driver, including:
- Primary driver supports for Async calls
- Primary driver improved treatment of ISC_DOUBLE as type double in .NET.
- Better EFCore 6.0 support
Notice that EFCore is now .NET 8.0 only, if you need Net 6.0 support use the older version 7.14.6
On GitHub and NuGet
You can find the complete source code of the drivers on GitHub at: https://github.com/Embarcadero/IB.NETDataProvider. This page includes also additional download links and further information.
The two matching NuGet packages have also been updated:
- https://www.nuget.org/packages/InterBaseSql.Data.InterBaseClient/
- https://www.nuget.org/packages/InterBaseSql.EntityFrameworkCore.InterBase/
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