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How to vibrate iOS and Android phones using FireMonkey and XE8

Pawel Glowacki asked about vibrating smartphones using Delphi code for iOS and Android. Thierry Laborde and Williamm Wittwer of Embarcadero France provided the following Delphi and FireMonkey sample code:

Notes: For the iOS part you have to go to the SDK Manager, choose the SDK for iOS, and click on the button to add a Path and parameter it likes in the joined picture. Don’t forget to click on the button ‘Update Local File Cache. For the Android part don’t forget to add the authorization for Vibration in the parameter of the project. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE8/en/SDK_Manager

Interested in learning how to control and vibrate iOS and Android phones with FireMonkey and XE8? You may use the App Builder Software and make the most of it. 
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