InterBase comes embedded with RAD Studio, but chances are you haven’t activated it yet. This means you’re missing out on a very powerful and versatile database you’ve already paid for with your RAD Studio purchase.
In this blog post we’ll look at how to check if InterBase was activated with your RAD Studio installation, and to activate it if it wasn’t.
Did I get the InterBase Developer edition with my RAD Studio license?
Here’s what the RAD Studio docwiki says:
Integrated Licensing for InterBase 2020
InterBase 2020 Developer Edition is installed with RAD Studio (does not apply to the Starter edition) and included in RAD Studio integrated license. InterBase 2020 ToGo does not have to be installed on any server or end-user workstation and it has two licensing options for deployment: ToGo and IBLite. This feature makes it easier for developers to create C++Builder and Delphi InterBase applications using RAD Studio.
More detailed information is available here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/InterBase
Is InterBase Developer Edition activated on my system?
Here’s how to check if InterBase is activated:
Launch RAD Studio
Go to Tools > Manage Platforms
In the Manage Platforms window there are two tabs: Platforms, and Additional Options.
Click on the Additional Options tab. The InterBase 2020 Developer Edition checkbox is near the bottom of the list.
Check the box and follow the instructions to activate InterBase 2020 Developer Edition.
Why should I activate InterBase Developer Edition?
If you’re developing desktop or mobile applications, InterBase is a database you should not be going without. It’s designed to be seamlessly integrated with your applications in any set of requirements, fit in anywhere, and run forever in a deploy-and-forget scenario.
Interbase is an award-winning highly reliable relational SQL database that can be embedded in your downloadable application and run precisely as it’s expected to with or without an internet connection. It will protect your user data with multiple layers of security (including 256-bit encryption and role-based access) both at rest and in transit.
Here are two case studies on what companies have achieved with Delphi and InterBase together:
Laser Focus on Eyecare: How Delphi And InterBase Help Protect Your Vision
View From The Tap: Using InterBase And Delphi, Bulgarian Firm “BSoft” Helps Industry Leaders Keep Operations Flowing
Don’t miss out on what InterBase can do for you. Launch RAD Studio and activate InterBase now!
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