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GM Update: Better Tools, Stronger Community

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It should come as no surprise that a lot is happening in software development. While the industry showed much resilience during Covid, even we are not immune to the recent changes in our global economy. Significant attention is being given to those changes, especially in regions that have had a more substantial impact from world events. While this puts pressure on our users and our partners, we have a strong commitment to continue delivering results within RAD Studio and InterBase. 

The release of 11.2 has been widely praised, with over 800 bug fixes and quality improvements. That in and of itself would be significant, but the team has also brought some new features: iOS Simulator is now live, allowing developers to test on multiple devices before deployment; Markdown support is now available within the IDE, and many improvements have been made to the IDE itself. More details can be found here

Community Involvement

There’s been significant involvement from our MVPs, tech partners, and community for this release. Moreover, community engagement has been refreshing as we push to offer educational opportunities and offerings. Our Delphi Coding Bootcamp was well attended this year, with thousands of developers in over 50 sessions brought together by our community and MVPs. 

All of this is great and highlights the distinction between Delphi and other, newer languages. As some companies explore other development environments to stay “on trend,” we’ve seen a resurgence of users coming to RAD Studio. The stability and security of your applications matter, and it begins with the development tools in your toolchain. 

More and more, developers see issues as they move further away from native code. As seen with Skype’s move and Teams’ use of Electron, there are often unforeseen consequences. RAD Studio avoids this and offers modern tooling, a robust ecosystem, and easy-to-maintain code. 

Yet there’s always work to do and improvements to be made. These next few months are critical as we make significant efforts, especially around C++ Builder and IDE performance. As we progress on these objectives, you’ll hear updates and more details from us. 

Important Changes!

In the meantime, these efforts come with costs. As much of the industry has already done, and as we’ve tried to avoid, prices will increase next month. While we work out what that looks like, use this as an opportunity to upgrade or migrate at current prices and stay tuned for details over the next few weeks. We know this isn’t exciting news, but we hope the transparency is appreciated. 

While the market is uncertain, we look forward to what the next year brings and being a part of the next great application you and your team build. Ramping up your whole team with RAD Studio can deliver maximum productivity on Windows and across all of our supported platforms, including Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux.

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

GM - Developer Tools at Idera, Inc. Creative problem solver with strong business development skills and an eye for strategic partnerships.

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