For C++ developers who want to take advantage of new ISO C++ language features in Clang v15 along with the power and productivity of RAD development using C++Builder, stay tuned to the Embarcadero blogs and C++Builder product website for news about the next release of C++Builder.
Note: “This blog post is based on a pre-release version of the RAD Studio software and it has been written with specific permission by Embarcadero. No feature is committed until the product GA release.”
David Millington, Embarcadero Product Manager, on August 31, 2023 presented a webinar titled “Behind the Build: RAD Studio and C++Builder 12.0” that previewed the upcoming Clang compiler upgrade and integration of Whole Tomato’s Visual Assist into the IDE. You can watch the replay of the webinar at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0Be_NFmEEE
The next release of C++Builder with Clang v15 support will include the following toolchain enhancements:
- Clang: based on Clang 15, named ‘bcc64x’
- C runtime: uses the Universal C Runtime (UCRT)
- C++ runtime: a new RTL, based on several open source areas
- STL: libc++
- Linker: LLVM lld
- Debug format: PDB (with IDE support)
- The toolchain emits COFF object files and uses the Itanium ABI and mangling
- The default language standard is C++17 and C99
Here are two screen grabs from the August 31, 2023 David Millington webinar:
Embarcadero Special Offer: Buy RAD 11.3 today and Apply to join the RAD 12 beta
The promotional offer is ending soon (4 days left as of this blog post). Find out additional information at https://www.embarcadero.com/radoffer
Keep Up To Date on C++Builder and ISO C++
To keep up to date on using C++Builder and the ISO C++ language you should absolutely bookmark and read everything that Yılmaz Yörü posts on his Embarcadero blog at https://blogs.embarcadero.com/author/yilmazyoru/
Yilmaz also has a great site for learning C++ at https://learncplusplus.org/
Stay tuned to the Embarcadero C++Builder product page for additional information and news.
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