Author: Rubén Pozo
If you have a project with automatic builds is posible that you want change the File/Product version of the file.
Using the code below you can create a console application for to modify these values easily.
program ChangeVersion; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, UnParseDproj in 'UnParseDproj.pas'; procedure ChangeDprojVersion; var DprojParser : TDprojParser; begin DprojParser := TDprojParser.Create; try DprojParser.DprojFile := ParamStr(1); DprojParser.VersionString := ParamStr(2); DprojParser.ChangeVersion; finally DprojParser.Free; end; end; begin try if ParamCount < 2 then begin WriteLn('Wrong syntax. Usage:'); WriteLn('ChangeVersion "Delphi project file (dproj)" "Version string(x.x.x.x)"'); end else begin ChangeDprojVersion; end; except on E: Exception do WriteLn(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.
unit UnParseDproj; interface uses System.Sysutils, Winapi.Ole2, Xml.XMLIntf, Xml.XMLDoc; type TDprojParser = class private FXMLDocument: IXMLDocument; FDprojFile: string; FVersionString: string; procedure SetDprojFile(const Value: string); procedure SetVersionString(const Value: string); public property DprojFile: string read FDprojFile write SetDprojFile; property VersionString: string read FVersionString write SetVersionString; procedure ChangeVersion; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation { TDprojParser } procedure TDprojParser.ChangeVersion; var Project, Node, VerInfo_Keys: IXMLNode; I, J, K: Integer; Keys_String: String; Keys : TArray<string>; Version: TArray<string>; begin try FXMLDocument.LoadFromFile(DprojFile); Project := FXMLDocument.ChildNodes.First; J := Project.ChildNodes.Count - 1; for I := 0 to J do begin Node := Project.ChildNodes.Nodes[I]; VerInfo_Keys := Node.ChildNodes.FindNode('VerInfo_Keys'); if VerInfo_Keys <> nil then begin Keys_String := VerInfo_Keys.NodeValue; Keys := Keys_String.Split([';']); for K := 0 to Length(Keys) - 1 do begin Version := Keys[K].Split(['=']); if Version[0]= 'FileVersion' then Keys[K] := 'FileVersion='+FVersionString; if Version[0]= 'ProductVersion' then Keys[K] := 'ProductVersion='+FVersionString; end; Keys_String := ''; for K := 0 to Length(Keys) - 1 do Keys_String := Keys_String + Keys[K] + ';'; Keys_String := Keys_String.Substring(0,Keys_String.Length -1); VerInfo_Keys.NodeValue := Keys_String; end; end; FXMLDocument.SaveToFile(Dprojfile); WriteLn('dproj file changed'); except on E: Exception do WriteLn(E.ClassName + ':' + E.Message) end; end; constructor TDprojParser.Create; begin FXMLDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); FXMLDocument.ParseOptions := FXMLDocument.ParseOptions+[poPreserveWhiteSpace]; end; destructor TDprojParser.Destroy; begin end; procedure TDprojParser.SetDprojFile(const Value: string); begin FDprojFile := Value; end; procedure TDprojParser.SetVersionString(const Value: string); begin FVersionString := Value; end; initialization CoInitialize(nil); end.
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