Author: Embarcadero USA
Question and Answer Database FAQ1750C.txt Catching an access violation exception Category :C/C++ Language Issues Platform :All Product :BC++ 5.x Question: Why does my attempt at catching an access violation fail? main() { char *ptr; ptr=NULL; try { *ptr=5; } catch(...) { cerr << "Caught exception" <"throw" somewhere for you to catch anything ). You could use that construct to handle thrown objects ( like xalloc for failures in calls to new ). For OS excpetions like access violations, you should be using OS structured exception handling: // catch.cpp #include #include main() { char *ptr; // point the pointer to an // invalid address ptr=NULL; try { // attempt to assign a value // to the location pointed // to by the pointer *ptr=5; } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // report the exception type cerr << "Caught exception code: 0x" <<<
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