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Cartoonify Photos With This Easy But Powerful Neural Network

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Based on this wiki : a convolutional neural network (CNN, or ConvNet) is a class of deep neural network, most commonly applied to analyze visual imagery. They are also known as shift invariant or space invariant artificial neural networks (SIANN).

Convolutional Neural Network? That sounds complicated! Is it?

Good news,  DeepAI.org has provided an API to access, so we can quickly build applications using it. Follow along as we show you how..

How do I set up an app with DeepAI API?

We can emulate what curl does for access to DeepAI API, because it looks quite straight-forward.

here what that looks like in Delphi code:

Using the API’s JSON output

The above code is only accessing JSON result from Toonify API, which JSON result similar to the following:

Converting the API output into something useful

So, to download the image and then attach it to the component Timage as a result of the process, here is the code:

Full Delphi source code to cartoonify and image using the DeepAI API

The full Tonify method is this:

What does the application look like?

screen shot 2021 05 16 at 23 57 16

Check out the full source code here (GitHub link) https://github.com/herux/DelphiDeepAI-Toonify.git

Now you know how to use a Neural Network to cartoonify images in your Windows and mobile apps using Delphi! How would you use it?

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Senior Software Engineer | Delphi/FreePascal Enthusiast | Linux/ Unix Enthusiast

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