Looking to upgrade the memory manager in Embarcadero Dev C++ I investigated a number of memory manages including FastMM4-AVX. The second memory manager I looked at is called BigBrain 2020 and it looks to have significant performance improvements in some areas. There is a comprehensive blog post by the creator of BigBrain 2020 which compares performance between BigBrain 2020 and FastMM5 (and TC Malloc). I like the performance comparisons here because it shows ranges where the types of work that the memory manager is doing (in your application) can have significant differences.
Here is a benchmark by the BigBrain 2020 author of the standard memory manager. The author states “this memory manager performed best with one thread, then performance declined as thread counts increased.“

And a second benchmark by the BigBrain 2020 author comparing BigBrain2020 performance to FastMM5. The author states that in the graph below the blue area is where FastMM5 does better than BigBrain 2020 but in the rest of the areas BigBrain2020 wins out. The author states “Similar to the Standard MM, FastMM5 doesn’t accelerate as thread-counts increase, however, performance doesn’t decline nearly as quickly as the Standard MM.”

The BigBrain2020 author has a comprehensive blog post with the above graphs and more plus plenty of explanation to go along with it.
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