To prepare for the appearance of C++17 support in the “Carnival” release of C++Builder (RAD Studio August 2018 Roadmap), here are some recent articles that have appeared in the C++ community. To stay up to date on what’s happening with ISO C++ you should bookmark the ISO C++ foundation’s website.
- Modern C++: 7 Ways to Fake It Until You Have It
- “Modern C++” != “New(est) Standard”
- std::string_view: The Duct Tape of String Types
- C++17 in Detail – new book by Bartłomiej Filipek
- Compiler Explorer – C++, Go, Rust and D
- std::out << “Happy 35th birthday, C++!”
- What’s all the C Plus Fuss? Bjarne Stroustrup warns of dangerous future plans for his C++
- IEEE Spectrum 2018 Top Programming Languages
- C++ support in Clang (last updated August 30, 2018)
I can’t wait for the next generation Clang/LLVM based C++Builder to appear.
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