ISOCpp.org ran a C++ developer survey “lite” for the past week. You can find the PDF survey results on the site at https://isocpp.org/blog/2021/04/results-summary-2021-annual-cpp-developer-survey-lite
More than 1800 C++ developers responded to the survey. Here are a few items that I pulled out of the PDF results.
- Almost 90% of respondents use C++ for work.
- Over 50% of developers have been using C++ for more than 10 years
- Most of the developers are developing applications for Windows and Linux
- The top two C++ development pain points are “Managing libraries my application depends on” and “Build times”
- The top build tool (79% of respondents) used is CMake.
The results have been sent to the ISO C++ standards committee to help guide C++ language standards evolution.
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