GBEPad is a simple, fast, complete, and free text file editor for Windows and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “its lightness, efficiency, and possibilities make it the ideal companion for developers and for all users who regularly handle text files. It has many configuration options to best meet user expectations. GBEPad is a free text editor like NotePad++ with many features (FTP client, multi cursor, Emmet support, large search options, open big files, compare two files…). At the beginning, (2004) GBEPad was built with Delphi 7, and now it is built under Delphi Sydney. GBEPad is a VCL application. You can also configure your tools (compilers, other tools…). By default, GBEPad comes with 35 syntax highlighters for the major programming languages. You can adapt these highlighters according to your needs but also create new ones. On the Extensions page, you will find other highlighters that can be downloaded separately.”
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I follow http://feeds.delphifeeds.com/delphifeeds in my RSS reader, but more and more I have to scan it for value. Those ‘product X was made with Delphi’ posts are of no use for developers, they are just advertisements for Delphi. In the last 6 hours there were 9 of these posts on a total of 14! (and from the other 5 there were 2 adverts saying ‘look at these Delphi components’).
All this stuff comes from blogs.embarcadero.com
I suggest you rethink what and who your blog is for. The current pattern suggest you see a blog as an advertizing platform – you should know that’s a mistake. It’s also wasted time on both sides.
We are hosting a Showcase Challenge right now to highlight applications built with Delphi for Delphi’s 26th birthday. We will look at updating DelphiFeeds to only pull certain categories.