Delphi programmers are in charge of a surprising number of industries. Our developer community is in on a big secret: RAD Studio Delphi quickly gets your apps from great idea to reality and into the hands of customers, with their desktop and mobile applications quietly working away, providing solid, reliable, and useful tools to assist and enhance their users’ daily social and working lives. Furthermore, when using the full power of RAD Studio’s rapid application development, the least amount of effort yields the greatest results.
Once on your users’ devices, your apps continue to run continuously, allowing you to “surprise and delight your users,” as Apple’s Tim Cook put it.

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Via Express makes user’s lives easier
Via Express is just such an example of a truly useful application, written well. It’s compact, light-weight, and works on the iPhone and iPad, where users use it to record the details of journeys and travel details for use in expense claims and financial reporting such as tax accounts.
The mobile app links with a web-based service from the same developer and between the two a comprehensive picture of you or your staff’s travel can be recorded and a history built up over time.
What sort of information does the app help with?
Data like starting location, vehicle information such as type – car, motorbike and so on – destination, the reason for travel as well as timings and distance covered.
Users don’t have to use the online service since the app can be used completely independently of it.
Anyone who has faced the nightmare of recording their travel details for either reimbursement by an employer or to accurately claim allowances on their tax paperwork will know that Via Express really does have the potential to improve its users’ lives and simplify the bureaucratic paperwork burden.
Developer Davor Pleskina has several apps available in the Apple iTunes and Google Play Android stores. Great work Davor!
Apple App Store
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