CST CAD Navigator is a brand new cross platform CAD viewer supporting more than 30 file formats including DXF, DWG, PLT, STEP and IGES and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “With CST CAD Navigator, you can easily open, convert and print files, get dimensions and create customizable section views. Its user friendly interface makes it easy to work with the software even if you don’t have any CAD experience. The application is compatible with Windows and Linux and a Mac version is coming soon. CST CAD Navigator is based on our own CAD core. Back in 2003 we started working on it and released our first CAD application ABViewer. At that time we were developing in Delphi 7. As time went by, we were improving the software and adding new formats. Developed in Embarcadero RAD Studio 10, CST CAD Navigator took the best from ABViewer and grew to an innovative promising product.”
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