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Developer Stories: Alexandr Anicimov Discusses “Laser Flash Method”

Alexndr Anicimov EMBT Interviews
Alexandr Anicimov launched his first Delphi application in 2005. His application (Laser Flash Method) was a showcase entry at the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we interviewed him for an insight of his programming adventure. Go over at the Laser Flash Method website to download the application. img 3276 1172252

When did you start using RAD Studio Delphi and have long have you been using it?

My first Delphi app was created in 2005. It was a local database. The text file (warehouse request) received by e-mail was processed using a local database and a warehouse invoice was created using the Rave 5 report generator.

What was it like building software before you had RAD Studio Delphi?

It was more time consuming.

How did RAD Studio Delphi help you create your showcase application?

My curiosity and desire to get acquainted with the possibilities of Delphi

What made RAD Studio Delphi stand out from other options?

It is ease of code creation and project structure.

What made you happiest about working with RAD Studio Delphi?

It is the ease of code creation and project structure. Creating an attractive application for the operator.

What have you been able to achieve through using RAD Studio Delphi to create your showcase application?

Controlling the operation of external devices

What are some future plans for your showcase application?

Show Delphi’s capabilities in physics experiment management and data processing.
Thank you, Alexandr! Head on over to the link below to view his showcase entry.


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