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BridgeMonkey Is A Fun Bridge Game Software Created with Delphi


The BridgeMonkey program helps people teach the card game bridge and it is developed with Delphi. According to the developer, “It is meant for use by teachers and coaches to help them arrange tournaments featuring special aspects of bidding and playing or defense. It can read and write *.bri files (files used by card-dealing machines) enabling the program to construct tournaments that can be executed using physical cards in the hands of the students or trainees. It operates by dealing cards “randomly” but according to filters specified by the user. There is a large number of these filters relating to bidding, HCP,  distribution, and “ambitions” (game, slam). Also, the user can define large parts of the bidding system to be used by the trainees (and of course by the program’s filters). The user can comment on each of the deals and share instructions to be used when the tournament is executed (small slips of paper to be placed in the maps and read before the opening lead is made). When BridgeMonkey submits the deals that passed the filters, it also tells the user how frequently these particular filters are satisfied, giving the user a sense of the probability that these criteria will be satisfied and thus how important this particular situation is. FireMonkey can also read from and write to files of type *.deal, which are from a MicrosoftWordAddin ‘WordTab’ made some time ago. BridgeMonkey is made using FireMonkey (Delphi supplied by TMS FMX). It is not all finished but does work pretty well as is.”



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