The developer has a number of apps but his favorite is this program which calculates Monte-Carlo simulations of LIGHT TRANSPORT IN TRANSPARENT OR TURBID MEDIA, WITH SCATTERING and/or ABSORPTION and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “The SAMPLE may consist of a single or more LAYERS, each with its own absorption and scattering data, in the form of concentrations of scattering particles embedded in a medium. In order to register DOPPLER spectra, to each type of scattering particle a certain velocity vector can be associated. In each layer a number of separately defined structures (called “OBJECTS”: with rectangular, cylindrical, spherical or conical shape) may be present, with similar characteristics as the layers. Option: spheres may be randomly distributed in a layer. With those objects e.g. blood vessels can be mimicked. Also transparent and turbid lenses and pupils /diaphragms. Also an oblique mirror plane can be inserted. Furthermore, the layers may be subdivided into sublayers (depth pixels, see below). There are more options: internal light sources and external beams, internal and external detection, plots of distributions of various variables (photon positions, path length distributions, photon tracking, layer+object structure plots, frequency modulation by Fourier transformations, angular distributions, photo-acoustic response plots, ray tracking in lenses systems.” Additionally, the developer states, “I have various apps, offline and online (using TMS Web Core). My favourite is this “MONTCARL”, which calculates light scattering in turbid media (like tissue), with embedded objects (like spheres, tubes, mirrors, etc.). See the movie on the site. Second is “SOLAR PANEL IRRADIATION” (online), which calculates panel efficiency and the effects of shadow. Also with movie.”
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