It’s often overlooked that writing a Delphi application can make a real difference to people’s lives in a very meaningful and profound way. Tinnitus Help by US Developer Mango Chutney may just be one of those game-changing Delphi mobile apps.
According to the US Center For Disease control and the American Tinnitus Association, around 15% of all Americans, around fifty MILLION people, suffer from some level of tinnitus. Those percentages are dwarfed by the numbers of people worldwide who also suffer what can be a debilitating condition. It’s a subject brought to light recently by the hit Amazon movie “The Sound Of Metal” which documents the journey into hearing loss of a rock drummer – played by actor Riz Ahmed.

Your Delphi programs could make a positive difference to people’s lives
Given the numbers of people who live every day with the difficulties brought about by tinnitus German developer IND (Ingenieurbüro für Nachrichten und Datentechnik) are well-placed to really touch user’s lives in a positive and possibly transformative way.
‘Tinnitus Help’ is eight programs in one. As stated by the developer, “The ultimate application for tinnitus sufferers. Only naturally produced sounds of musical instruments and sounds of Mother Nature – no synthesizers! Developed by an expert software engineer in the field of frequency analysis and a leading music psychologist, music therapist and hearing therapist with more than 20 years’ experience in the treatment of tinnitus sufferers. Used very successfully in the treatment of tinnitus.”
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