Miyazaki Prefectural Saitobaru Archaeological Museum has built an app for smartphones, “Saitobaru Archaeological Expo Navi,” which provides navigation in the museum, guidance on exhibits, etc. in multiple languages using solutions provided by Embarcadero and Marubeni Information Systems. did. This solution consists of a power-saving beacon that emits radio waves (using “rapiNAVI Air2” manufactured by Marubeni Information Systems) and Embarcadero’s software development function “Beacon Fence” that detects the position using this beacon. At the Saitobaru Archaeological Museum, you can use the in-house navigation system “Saitobaru Archaeological Expo Navi” that utilizes beacons. With this system, you can check the current location of the museum on your smartphone, and read the explanation of the exhibits in front of you in four languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean. In this session, we will introduce how this system was built at the museum, along with an overview of the system and the features of RAD Studio / Delphi + BeaconFence used.
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