Georgi Todorov Gerasimov has been using Delphi for many years. He has a showcase entry submission (FPS-SE) at the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we got to talk to him about his great Delphi experiences throughout the years. You can purchase and download his application over at File Protect System website.
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When did you start using RAD Studio Delphi and have long have you been using it?
We have been using RAD Studio/Delphi for years. The moment Delphi XE entered the market, we started to work on a project for post quantum encryption of sensitive to critical information, which we named File Protect System – FPS.
What was it like building software before you had RAD Studio/Delphi?
Before the advent of RAD Studio/Delphi we faced many problems in the development of specialized REST servers. Another serious problem that our team has faced in that time was testing the end-user applications, which were utilizing web based interface.
How did RAD Studio Delphi help you create your showcase application?
With the advent of RAD Studio XE7/Delphi all R&D processes passed to a qualitatively new level. The technical abilities that provided us technologies like Datasnap, Tethering, Indy, FastReport, FireMonkey, etc. allowed us to speed up development processes and to raise the efficiency and reliability of our software products. At the moment we are reorganizing our working processes in order to start working with RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney.
What made RAD Studio Delphi stand out from other options?
One of the main advantages of RAD/Studio Delphi is the presence of unique instruments that allow quick implementation of attractive by its nature interface solutions. Another significant advantage is the high quality of the visual components and the exceptionally good compilers.
What made you happiest about working with RAD Studio Delphi?
It is a pleasure to work with RAD Studio/Delphi because this is an IDE that allows the developers to get a view of the project as a whole. When we get the result, every member of our team is satisfied, and that gives us the ambition to continue our development and grow.
What have you been able to achieve through using RAD Studio Delphi to create your showcase application?
RAD Studio XE7/Delphi helped us to finalize successfully the first versions of the File Protect System – FPS. We were able to create application that provides the end user with the ability to protect its own files and electronic messages. Something more, the application we developed allows the user to transform every single electronic device (including mobile ones) into high performance encryption system
What are some future plans for your showcase application?
File Protect System will continue to evolve in the future. At the moment our team is working on the integration of server-based solutions for post quantum protection of corporate structures that are using DB systems like Oracle, MS, MySQL, and DB2. Along with this we are working on our mobile solutions and DLP (Data Loss Prevention) modules that expand the functionality of File Protect System (FPS). Something more, we are continuously evolving our integrated mail client BS Mail, which is becoming popular as a stand-alone application for critical information transfer.
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us Georgi. Take a look at his entry showcase below and see what kind of great applications you could also be creating with RAD Studio Delphi.
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