Falcon 9 – First Stage Simulator uses engineering equations to simulate the behavior, efforts and performance, in addition to controlling the trajectory, of the first stage of a Falcon 9 (SpaceX) rocket and it is built in Delphi. According to the developer “It has different panels for loading structural information, performance characteristics of engines, throttle control curves and vehicle inclination, etc. The main panel shows the progress of the simulation in real-time, and a 3D model in an OpenGL window, all this, initially synchronized with a real video of the launch that allows comparing speeds and altitudes at each moment to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation. Finally, once the simulation is completed, it is possible to download all the information in an Excel file to make evaluation graphs. All parameters of the application (structural, engine and control) are fully customizable, so you can configure and simulate every mission you want and compare the results in real-time with the real video. The application is still being developed, therefore, the experience includes the launching stage and it goes on up to the separation of the second stage. This application was written using Delphi Community 10.3.”
Falcon 9 – First Stage Simulator
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