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Quickly Encrypt / Decrypt An SQLite Database With The FireDAC.SQLite Encryption Sample For Delphi

The SQLite Encryption sample is an encryption/decryption demo.


You can find the SQLite Encryption sample project at:


This sample allows the user to perform the following operations:

How to Use the Sample

  1. Navigate to the location given above and open SQLite_Encrypt.dproj.
  2. Press F9 or choose Run > Run.
  3. Click Create in the Create new DB tab to:
    1. Create an empty and unencrypted database located at: C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\Temp\test.sdb.
    2. Create an empty table into the new database.
    3. Populate the table.
  4. Once the table is added to the database, you can start interacting with the sample.


File in DelphiContains
The project itself.
The main form.


The sample implements the following features.

Create new DB

Encrypt DB

The sampe uses TFDSQLiteSecurity.SetPassword to encrypt the database with the password provided.

The database password is the combination of <encryption algorythm>:<password>.

Change DB pwd

Use this tab to change the password of the encrypted database.

The sample uses TFDSQLiteSecurity.ChangePassword to change the password of the encrypted database from Password to ToPassword.

To change the password:

  1. Write the new password in the field.
  2. Click Change to update the password.

Get state

The sample uses TFDSQLiteSecurity.CheckEncryption to request the database encryption status.

Possible status:

Decrypt DB

The sample uses TFDSQLiteSecurity.RemovePassword to remove the password and decrypt the database.

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