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Quickly Access Windows System Info In Your Delphi Application With Excellent Component Suite

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Developers may often require to collect system info such as computer, processor, devices, networks, etc. for various purposes in your Delphi application. Accessing that information is no longer a tough task. MiTec’s System Information Management Suite is the right choice for easy use in your applications. In this blog post, how to use the TMiTec_SystemInfo component to access system information with the sample application.

Platforms: Windows.

Installation Steps:  

How to run the Demo app: 

Components used in MSIC Demo App:

TMiTeC SystemInfo Properties

Implementation Details:

TMiTeC SystemInfo Demo

Developers are not required to spend many hours identifying and using the low-level system APIs to collect system information. Use this MiTeC component suite and get the job done quickly.

Head over and check out the full MiTec System Information Management Suite for Access System Information for Windows in Delphi Applications

With the use of a Windows IDE, you can easily access windows system info in your Delphi application with a component suite. Try your Free Trial here.

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