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Ligas de Embarcadero Dev Lounge – Julio 2021

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Cada nuevo episodio de Embarcadero Dev Lounge contará con un resumen de las principales noticias, componentes y posts del mundo Embarcadero publicadas durante el último mes.

A continuación se listan las ligas presentadas en el episodio de Julio 2021


Building Good with C++Builder Contest
Low Code App Wizard for Delphi
New Delphi’s Object Pascal Style Guide
InterBase ADO.NET driver for Visual Studio
New Interbase Site
An Introduction To DelphiVCL: A Python GUI Builder For Windows
New Tools Page at Embarcadero.com
RAD Studio 10.4.2 General Patch and Delphi Compiler Patch
RADStudio IDE Keyboard Shortcuts Guide


Python For Delphi (P4D) VCL vs Python GUI Generator: wxGlade.
Descubriendo el mejor framework (Español)


MathViz – FMX – C++Builder
A Complete Solution to Work with Math in Delphi
Add STOMP to your apps for lightweight real-time streaming
Connecting Databases with FireDAC through SSH
Delphi’s expression engine
GrijjyCloudLogger, remote logging for Windows, iOS, Android, macOS and Linux
How Easy Is It To Add A REST API To Your Own Apps?
Text Editor Pro
Websockets Harness Real-Time Power In Your Delphi Apps
Delphi RESTful Library
Sencha Conference
Perform Ultra-Fast Time Series Analysis To Empower Your Apps
Afterwarp: a framework for scientific and industrial 3D visualisation


Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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