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Discover The Popular Alcinoe Library Of Visual And Non-Visual Components For Delphi

The article on Github is really detailed. So don’t waste time to check all of the Alcinoe features!

 According to Github, the library provides:

If you don’t plan to use any Alcinoe visual components at design time, then you don’t need to install anything, just add {alcinoe_rootdir}source in the search path of your project, said in the article.

If you plan to use visual components at design time then you need to install the bpl. Launch Delphi and go in component > Install Packages… > and choose the BPL located in {alcinoe_rootdir}libbplalcinoeWin32rioAlcinoe_rio.bpl (if you are in delphi Rio else choose the directory that correspond to your Delphi version). You still need to add in your search path {alcinoe_rootdir}source

Alcinoe use sometime some advanced functions that need to patch the delphi RTL. For this you need to include in your project search path ALL the directories located under {alcinoe_rootdir}referencesembarcaderorio10_3_3patched (if you are in delphi Rio else choose the directory that correspond to your Delphi version) like for exemple:

The Alcinoe library’s features is HUGE! Don’t wait to check it out.

Where can you get it from?

You can access the last svn version at: svn checkout svn:// alcinoe-code or with a web browser at:

You can also find the last version on github at

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