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WebStencils and HTMX: Free Guide to Fast Web Development

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We’re excited to announce the release of our comprehensive White Paper – WebStencils and HTMX: Fast Modern Web Development with RAD Studio. This guide is designed to help developers create efficient, dynamic, and maintainable web applications using WebStencils and HTMX.

What’s Inside?

Our White Paper covers everything you need to know about WebStencils and HTMX, including:

  1. Introduction to HTMX and its core concepts
  2. Deep dive into WebStencils, RAD Studio’s powerful template engine
  3. Practical examples and step-by-step tutorials
  4. Advanced techniques for creating scalable web applications
  5. Integration with RAD Server for enterprise-level solutions

We have also created some sample projects already available in a GitHub Repo.

What is WebStencils?

WebStencils allows you to integrate server-side logic into HTML templates using RAD Studio. Gone are the days of juggling complex JavaScript and server-side code. With WebStencils, you can create more organized, maintainable code that’s easier to read and update. Its easy layout system and data binding capabilities will allow you to focus on what really matters – creating great web applications.

The Power of HTMX

HTMX revolutionizes web development by bringing modern interactivity to applications without complex JavaScript. It allows developers to make AJAX requests directly from HTML, simplifying DOM updates and improving performance through partial page updates. This approach reduces reliance on heavy JavaScript frameworks, resulting in more efficient and maintainable code while enhancing user experience with smoother interactions.

Whether you’re a seasoned RAD Studio developer or just starting out, this white paper has something for you. It’s more than just a guide – it’s your roadmap to becoming a more efficient, effective RAD web developer.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips on modern web development with RAD Studio!

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