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RAD Server Solution Series: [Healthcare] Nurses Station

Author: Kai Inge Buseth


Solution Name: Nurses Station Solution for Patient Check-in and Data Collection

Industry: Health Care


Solution Overview: The solution provides an improved patient experience and automated collection of patient data in a clinic, hospital or doctor’s office  The patients can check-in to the clinic using a smartphone application and have a connected experience during their visit. Nurses are able to more easily track patients and gather information from Bluetooth connected devices. The data is shared in a central repository that can be integrated with a variety of EHRs.


How to download: Available through GetIt (Tools > GetIt Package Manager) in RAD Studio 10.2.


Setup Instructions: We have a detailed document with setup instructions for the sample project. Download the PDF here. We also have a short video that shows the app in action.





Solution Technology: Patient Application, Nurse Application, Beacons, RAD Server

Patient Application: Developed with Delphi using FireMonkey and works on Android and iOS smartphones. The mobile application can be styled to fit customer’s branding and “look and feel” preferences. The app comes with three screens with basic functionality for check-in. It can be further modified to collect a variety of data, such as surveys, insurance and payment information, etc.




Nurses Station Application: Developed with Delphi using FMX and designed for Android and iOS Tablets. The FireMonkey application can be styled to customer branding and “look and feel” preferences. The app comes with two main screens with basic functionality to identify patient and collect vitals data from several supported devices. More devices and or interactivity can be custom added using the same technology.



Shown: Nurse app with Emerald Green premium style applied


RAD Server: The app comes with a ready to go EMS (Enterprise Mobility Server) configuration and table structure in the Embedded Data Store. Access to the database was configured with RAD Studio FireDAC. Configuration of users is performed using the EMS Portal. Embedded Database uses an instance of InterBase which is included in the solution.

The provided solution excludes “out-of-the-box” EHR integration. However, EMS can expose REST APIs that can be accessible with secure, Delphi specific HL7 protocols.



Embedded Data Store (InterBase) Configuration





EMS Development Server running:




Shown: Customized EMS Management Console (logo and color scheme)




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