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Powerful JEDI Code Library For Delphi And C++ Builder Developers Can Be A Massive Productivity Boost

460k lines of code library for delphi c builder developers to improve productivity by 10x

Delphi and C++ Builder VCL community is so big that you can find a various set of libraries, functions and non-visual classes which can be instantly reused by developers.

One of the popular libraries is the JEDI Code Library (JCL) – The library is built upon code donated from the JEDI community. It is fully documented and fully tested. The library is grouped into several categories such as Strings, Files, Security, Math, IO, and many more.

JEDI Code Library is available on the GetIt package manager. And it is easy to download and install to your RAD Studio.


Be sure to head over and check out the JEDI Code Library on the GetIt portal and download it from the IDE

In this article, learn why you should add the powerful Boost C++ library to your Windows projects and environments.

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