We are happy to announce that Embarcadero has released an updated ADO.NET driver for the InterBase database. The new driver offers:
- General support for .NET 6
- InterBase Events support in ADO.NET
- Installer support for VS 2022
There are also a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to the previous release of the driver.
The source of the driver is on GitHub at: https://github.com/Embarcadero/IB.NETDataProvider
The driver is available on NuGet at: https://www.nuget.org/packages/InterBaseSql.Data.InterBaseClient/
There is also the Entity Framework Core provider for InterBase at: https://www.nuget.org/packages/InterBaseSql.EntityFrameworkCore.InterBase/
We also updated the package listing on the Visual Studio marketplace at: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EmbarcaderoTechnologies.InterBaseADONETClient
InterBase is a “full-featured, high performance, ultrafast, encryptable, scalable, relational and embeddable multi-platform SQL database with multi-dimensional data security, disaster recovery and change synchronization” and it offers the ability to embed a low-cost, zero-admin, secure database into cross-platform connected applications.
In the next article, know what is ADO and how it can provide data from different sources in a format designed around data, rather than functions and logic.
For more information about the InterBase database please visit www.interbase.com or https://www.embarcadero.com/products/interbase
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