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How ISV’s Drive Innovation with InterBase

interbase isv innovation

I recently ran a webinar, alongside Mary Kelly, discussing how InterBase ISV’s are innovating faster while improving profitability and return on investment through using InterBase. Following up on that webinar, I wanted to summarise some of the points discussed.


Why ISV’s Choose InterBase?

To put it simply – Trust – ISV’s trust InterBase to lower their business risks, and cut out large costs that exist around data management and support, while kick starting their development with a stack of required core capabilities around data storage, data protection and user security.

Real Value of Ownership

Let me share what I mean with a quick story from my own first-hand experience. A number of years ago, I worked as a Director for an ISV when it purchased a .NET software house. The .NET product used MSSQL as the backend and supported a quarter of the businesses that the existing supported Delphi & InterBase application did. Even though it was hosted, the .NET product support overhead was over 5x the cost to run compared to InterBase after purchase, year on year.

The largest part of the cost came from having 2 full-time DBA’s, compared to minimal training that was required for those supporting InterBase. Additionally, InterBase was suitable for remote deployment and support on whatever type of computer the customer had. This helped improve the value proposition to the customer and lower the risks to landing business.

InterBase features and benefits that bring business value

A full list of the top reasons ISV’s / OEM partners choose InterBase discussed in the webinar include

The ISV Business Model

Further to the above, the webinar also spends time looking into the key business of a typical ISV, and the other value InterBase makes possible for them.

A big part of the InterBase customer stories shared on the Embarcadero website, include time and again, customers talking about the evolution of InterBase, and even when they have been slower to upgrade their development environment, how InterBase has enabled them to release new features. This open innovation approach enables ISV’s to gain a real innovation boost to their product with major releases of InterBase, complementing their own R&D.

A good example of this was the addition of transparent on-disk encryption a number of years ago. This server-side feature, enabled with a simple parameter update in the client-side, provided rich functionality and data storage compliance with nearly zero R&D spend! More recently, Table Spaces has enabled customers to speed up their server for larger deployments by targeting which part of the database goes on which drive.

Anyway, I hope you find the webinar an interesting watch, and it would be great to hear about your InterBase stories!

If you are interested in becoming an InterBase ISV. Then please contact the Embarcadero sales team, or me directly.

The post How ISV’s Drive Innovation with InterBase appeared first on Stephen Ball’s Technical Blog.

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