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CodeRage 2019 Call for Sessions

It’s time for CodeRage 2019, but we are making some changes to it this year to take advantage of the virtual nature of the conference. This will make it more flexible for attendees in different time zones and attract a greater diversity of content. 

I did create a blog post about CodeRage recently (please read it if you haven’t already), but I didn’t send the call for sessions, yet.

Share the excitement: #CodeRage2019 

[Submit Session Proposal]  [Submit Session Materials]

This is the official call for sessions. 

The bad news is CodeRage 2019 starts NEXT WEEK! We are doing a different series / topic each week, with next week being InterBase. The good news is we are looking for short, 5 to 10 minute videos. The idea is something you can put together in one take with very little or no editing. 

At the start of the week, all the videos on the topic will be made available. Attendees can watch the videos on their own schedule during the week, and submit any questions they have. Then at Noon, Central Time, on Thursday everyone is invited to join a round-table Q&A conversation with any presenters who are able to be there. Submitted questions will be discussed, during a conversation around the topic.

Please pick a few topics that you are interested in and submit a few sessions. You can just create a short video showing your favorite feature, run through one of the samples, or demonstrate how to do something really tricky. It doesn’t need to be simple, but you don’t need to cover everything in the short video. Provide a link to a blog post, paper, DocWiki article, code repository, or Wikipedia article. You can even link to a longer video that goes into more detail.

Don’t speak English? That is fine. Create your video in your native language and include subtitles in your native language along with an English translation (and any other language you want). We can help clean up the English translations. Then viewers will have the option to watch with the subtitles of their choice. If you really can’t do audio (like no microphone), then you can just put English text on the screen explaining what you are doing – even if you just open a notepad with a large font.

We want to be really flexible this year, so be creative and pick a week. If you can’t fit into one of those topics then we will have an “Other” category, but do try to fit it into one of the categories.

Important details:

[Submit Session Proposal]  [Submit Session Materials]

Because of the more open and flexible nature of CodeRage this year please assume your session is accepted after you submit unless you hear otherwise. So you can start work on your session immediately. 

[Download the PowerPoint Template and other assets]

Share the excitement: #CodeRage2019 

[Submit Session Proposal]  [Submit Session Materials]

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