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Building Good with C++Builder Contest

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Introducing the Building Good with C++Builder Contest! A contest to show your achievements with C++Builder that benefit people, communities, and the world.

We know many people use C++Builder to create software that does good: helps a nonprofit, assists scientific research, provides a tool to help with a daily task, and more. We’re running a contest to see the best software you’re creating and to showcase these tools!

The contest is open for two months (from 05/28/2021 – 07/30/2021). Anyone interested may enter. Both users new to C++ and C++Builder as well as anyone with more experience are encouraged to participate.

New users of C++Builder can learn more about how to set up C++Builder for their first project by reading this guide.

Your software can be existing or something you build brand new.

Challenges of Interest

What does “good” here refer to? Well, it’s very broad, and it’s anything that helps people in their daily lives or benefits the world.
Here are some possible areas your software might help in, but feel free to select challenges outside the ones listed below:

Again, feel free to select challenges beyond these; the key is only that the software helps someone or benefits the lives of people, society, or any group in some way.

If you want to build something new, we have put together a list of open data sources that you might find useful. The table can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Requirements for the Contest


A range of prizes will be awarded to winners of the contest. Prizes will be sent using Paypal, Tremendous, or Payoneer.

The prizes are in USD or approximate equivalent value in local currencies. The winner will choose which platform (Paypal, Tremendous, or Payoneer) to receive their prize through and is responsible to make sure they are eligible to receive payment based on their local laws and regulations.

The top 3 winners will be selected by Embarcadero while the remaining 17 will be selected based on the combined total of Twitter retweets, Twitter likes, YouTube views, YouTube thumbs-up, and GitHub stars. 

How to Win

Starting 05/28/2021, you can join the contest and submit your entries.

You might want to post a link to your entry on Twitter and other social media platforms to have a better chance of winning. In your submission, please include the links to your social media posts.

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Happy Coding!

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Open Data Sources

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