
Beyond Compare - Cool Apps Selection

Today’s Cool Apps selection is Beyond Compare, from Scooter Software. Beyond Compare is a data management utility that allows users to compare and reconcile documents, files, folders, and even whole system drives quickly and easily. It’s a deeply useful resource, and it is built and powered by Delphi. The Scooter Software team has put together a great intro video to showcase Beyond Compare…
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Unicode Finder - Embarcadero Cool Apps Selection

Today’s Cool Apps selection is Unicode Finder, from SAGT3K. As the name suggests, Unicode Finder is a utility that allows you to explore the Unicode database to find characters, symbols, and emojis to use in text settings. It was developed in RAD Studio using Delphi and…

ALLMediaServer - Cool Apps Selection

ALLMediaServer – Cool Apps Selection Today’s CoolApps selection isALLMediaServer, from ALLPlayer Group, Ltd. It is a fantastic program that lets users consume media across any platform on their network.ALLMediaServeruses a network connection to…

Le Cool Apps diventano ancora più cool! [ in italiano ]

Italian translation of Cool Apps Get Even Cooler! Tutti parlano sempre di quelle altre fantastiche applicazioni (cool Apps) sviluppate con Delphi o C++Builder. A volte vengono annunciate pubblicamente, altre volte le aziende vogliono tenersele come un’arma segreta. L’ispirazione procurata da questo tipo di storie acquisisce sempre più valore, man mano che cresce la nostra comunità di…
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Cool Apps Get Even Cooler!

Everyone always talks about those other cool apps that are developed with Delphi or C++Builder. Sometimes it is publicly announced, other times companies want to keep it a secret weapon.As our community of developers continue to grow there is more and more value in the…

¡Las Apps Cool se hacen aún Más Cool! [ en español ]

Spanish translation of Cool Apps Get Even Cooler! Todo el mundo habla de las otras aplicaciones Cool que se desarrollan también con Delphi o C++Builder. A veces se anuncian públicamente, otras veces las empresas quieren mantenerlo como un arma secreta. A medida que la comunidad de desarrolladores sigue creciendo, cada vez tiene más valor la inspiración que proporcionan este tipo de historias.
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Cool new FMX components by Graham Murt @kscomponents

Some cool new FireMonkey components, ksComponents (Kernow Software FMX components), created by Graham Murt, are available on GitHub. You’ll find the source code for TksListView, TksFormTransition, TksTableView,TksSlideMenu, TksSegmentButtons and TksChatView. Readme…

Mobile app lifecycle events handling in Delphi XE5

Author: Pawe Gowacki The lifecycle of a mobile app is more complex and different from a desktop app. On a mobile device an application runs either in the foreground or in the background. When a phone calls arrive or when user opens another app, our app is going to background. If you are a programmer, you might be interested in responding to changes in the application state, for example saving…
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