
Uploading images to the cloud with BaaS in RAD Studio XE6

In Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio XE6, we integrate with leading Backend as a Service (BaaS) providers to add functionality and platform services to your applications. With BaaS, you get easy access to common services in the cloud without having to build or maintain the backend services yourself. This includes support for being able to upload images to your BaaS account using RAD Studio…
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Adding alphabetical sorting with A-Z headers to your lists

Author: Masood B6450 Using Visual LiveBindings, custom LiveBindings expressions and TListView, it it easy to add ListView headers to your mobile application that support alphabetical ordering and various other customizations. It will only take a couple of steps to enable it for data that is already alphabetically sorted, and an additional step for unsorted data. Adding A-Z grouping to your…
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Remote push notifications on Android with RAD Studio XE6

In RAD Studio XE6, we introduced support for remote push notifications with our BaaS (Backend as a Service) integration. We include components for Kinvey and Parse, two popular BaaS providers, right out of the box. Our BAAS framework in RAD Studio XE6 is based on our REST…

Detecting connected Bluetooth devices on Android

In Appmethod, we include many different components. This includes visual components for user interface elements and also non-visual components for database access, accessing device sensors/services, connecting to REST services etc. While Appmethod includes many pre-built components for fast application development, you get full platform access to any APIs you need, including those we don’t…
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Altium Designer 15 000 000 codelines

Author: zhang Embarcadero likes mentioning Altimum Designer when asked about high-class large-scale successful commercial systems made with Delphi. The project has about 15000000 codelines. Altium Designer is a CAD system for electronic products, including 3D…

Fun with FireMonkey Gradients

Author: Pawe Gowacki Everybody loves colours. Great apps should use colours in clever and original ways. I have been recently spending a lot of time using Delphi XE5 for designing screens for mobile apps and must admit that I really like the way how iOS 7 is using colours…

Changing FireMonkey style at runtime

Author: Pawe Gowacki Last month Sarina DuPont blogged about loading custom FireMonkey styles on a mobile device at runtime (“How to load custom styles at runtime“). That’s a very interesting approach to compile a custom style as a resource into the mobile app. This week there was another blog post by David I about the availability of the new great looking mobile FireMonkey…
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