
Building apps faster with less code using RAD Studio Architect Edition

Enterprise or Architect Edition? If you are a developer, and wondering if you should look at the Enterprise or Architect Edition, (What extra do you get? Is it useful? What more can you do with Architect? How to use it to speed up your development?) well.. this webinar is for you. Join the Embarcadero team and see first hand how to develop faster with the extra features included in the RAD Studio…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Learn How To Optimize Your Delphi Apps With ProDelphi In This CodeRage Replay

ProDelphi measures the runtime of Delphi programs. If a program is too slow, ProDelphi gives the necessary information to optimize it. The principle ofsource code instrumenting, a sophisticated correction algorithm and the uniquegranularity of 1 CPU cycleguarantee toget correct measurement results.Other profilers only have a granularity of 1 ms or…
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C++Builder Developer on StackOverflow was having trouble with SysUtils FindFirst / FindNext not finding all files with extension ~1~ and other strange file extensions.

Here was my answer 😀 Create a New | C++Builder VCL Windows application. On the form add TPanel, TButton, TEdit and TMemo components. Put the TButton and TEdit into the TPanel. Set TPanel align property to AlTop. Set the TMemo align property to alClient. FindFirst’s declaration in SysUtils.hpp is: extern DELPHI_PACKAGE int __fastcall FindFirst(const System::UnicodeString Path…
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